In the last 2 months, we’ve been noticing that the water is quite cold compared with summer.
Hi Narisha,
I would really need a bit more information on your situation to try to identify if there is an issue or if it is just seasonal solar depreciation.
We had your tank installed last year.
Where are you?
What model HWS
What methods are you using for boosting in winter
Recently, in the last 2 months,
May/June come into winter months.
Depending on your location this could mean
– There is not enough sun,
– Angle of pitch could be wrong
– Wet-back/wet-flue are not being used correctly to boost
– You are not boosting (heating element/instant HWS)
we’ve been noticing that the water is quite cold compared with summer.
– In summer there is a lot more sun hence more hot water
– In winter there is less sun and it drops significantly lower hence not heating up the tubes as effectively (once agin, I am not sure where you are)
When using the shower, it takes around 10-15 minutes for water to warm up to a reasonable temperature. Could you please help us understand what might be causing this?
– As above
Please feel free to send me more information on your situation by sending
– Location
– Model number
– Photos of installation