NS-SC30P Does it have to be a 40deg mounting angle
Mounting kit included?
I have a 22 degree pitch roof.
I believe 40 degree is the correct angle, will your mounting kit allow this?
I wish to retrofit a DUX flat panel system.
Evacuated tube solar hot water collectors are much more forgiving in angle requirement compared to panel collectors.
The NS-SC30P has been retrofitted to Rheem/Solahart/Rinnai to name a few, anywhere from flat roofs to right-angle walls. These positions will absorb Infra-Red in ample supply to heat the water as the tube is a round omni-collector and has a greater surface area exposed to the sun at any time
A frame is included that allows the NS-SC30P to be attached to any angled roof, it will lie with the pitch off the roof.
You can raise it to face North an 40deg, but generally you will find that this will not be necessary and may produce significantly higher temperature water that is desired for an average home with a tank.